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Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Despite the President’s proclamation today that “scientific evidence proves” that Global Climate Change is making the drought in California more severe, there is really only one simple and incontrovertible scientific fact on point:  When the oceans warm up things get wetter on surrounding lands – when the oceans cool down things get dryer on surrounding lands.

Over the past few decades the oceans have been gradually warming just a bit – part of the natural cycle, and so we have enjoyed an abundance of rain in California.  All the while, there were those who were beside themselves that the world was coming to an end because of “Global Warming”.  But, of course, they have had to change that to “Global Climate Change”, since “Global Warming” has been thoroughly disproven.  “Global Climate Change” has the distinct advantage that it is harder to disprove.  Anyway, since the Pacific has been cooling over the past few years, just as it did in the fifties, we are going to be going through a period of relative drought, just as we did in the fifties.

It’s really too bad that there is no such thing as global warming.  If there were, then we wouldn’t be having this drought.

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